Great controversy has sparked amid high-schoolers and adults alike on whether certain activities, such as golf, cheerleading, and horseback riding, could be considered sports. Horseback riding has been a specific area of interest, however, since it is one of the only sports which directly relies on the strength, speed, and power of another being. Many argue a horseback rider, otherwise known as an equestrian, only faces the task of staying on the horse which virtually competes for them. This implication, however, disregards the physical aspect of the activity, since an equestrian must carefully hone all of their muscles not only to stay on, but to correctly maneuver a thousand pound animal through tedious flatwork, over jumps and through the horse’s own temperament.
One area to look towards to settle this debate would be the definition of a sport. Cambridge University describes a sport as an activity requiring some form of physical effort and skill, where participants compete based on specific rules and regulations for entertainment. Most generally agree on this description, which by definition, would classify horseback riding as a sport, since horseback riding has been proven by doctors to physically exert the body, and equestrians spend years developing the correct skills to control their horse. Most equestrians participate in competitions against other riders, where these skills are scrutinized, and spectators are often present. In addition, horseback riding is recognized within the Olympics as a sport, and prestigious events such as the Grand Prix are enjoyed worldwide.
“I don’t think that many people have ever ridden a horse, much less ridden a horse in a competition,” said senior Nicole Grudzien.
“I get how that may make it more difficult to see the role the actual rider plays, but from my standpoint as a rider, it’s become pretty clear.” said senior Nicole Grudzien
Muscle soreness, a horse’s cooperation, and the stories of riders are all other pieces of evidence classifying horseback riding as a sport. Although people’s opinions will always differ, further exploring the topic may help others form new opinions on its physical and skill-based aspects.