Nutrition remonstrates athletes, causes added stress


Nutrition is a vital part of sports, but do athletes pay as much attention to food as they should? Saint Viator students that participate in sports have to bring their own snacks or order food from outside of the school because Querbes Hall closes after lunch. So if someone forgets to bring something or does not have enough time to buy something from another company, they probably will not eat until they get home. The lack of a snack coupled with no breakfast or an insubstantial lunch can be harmful. 

Sports are fueled by nutrition, literally. If a sports player does not eat before an intense practice or game, they are more likely to play poorly. This can be easily prevented by eating a snack because the calories consumed will allow more energy to be used for sports. Querbes Hall is a great place for lunch, but as the new Burks Place finishes, it will be a huge component to help students eat before sports. 

“With every single meal you have a protein, a whole grain/carb, and a vegetable and fruit,” said strength and conditioning coach Alex Nadolna. “A well-rounded diet would be the biggest thing [when deciding what to eat].”  

A well-rounded diet emphasizes proteins, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. However, most athletes cannot eat a full meal right before an event. 

“How much you eat depends on the sport [you are playing] and how much time they have before they have to practice or play,” said sophomore Catie Glasstetter. “Energy bars or fruit are generally good options before most sports activities.”

These are both good snack options because they can provide energy quickly. Hopefully, Burks Place will be able to provide quick food options for athletes who want some energy before their event.

With Querbes Hall closed after school, students are enthusiastic about a new food site such as Burks Place. 

“[Burks Place] will…[have] options after school to eat,” said sophomore Serafina Salituro. “This will definitely have an impact on athletes.”

“Having a snack beforehand or afterwards really helps,” said Coach Nadolna, “If you have a snack beforehand you have more energy to put into the work you’re doing [in the weightroom] or on the court. Eating directly after a sport helps with recovery and building muscle.” 

Athletes should be eating a balanced meal and have access to snacks before sports. Burks Place will be able to provide these options for students and be an important part of nutrition for athletes both on and off the court.