Students Febru-weary in endless month


Art by Victoria Gorny

The shortest month of the year is finally upon us! February will pass in a matter of what feels like minutes, and March will bring spring fever, March Madness and spring break. Though February is the shortest month, with only 28 days this year, there is also a collective dislike of it. Many people have taken to Twitter to share the Valentine’s Day hate and the complaints of February’s snow piles. There’s also nasty weather, cloudy days and the end of the beloved musical, “Bye Bye Birdie”. February is even discredited in the song “American Pie” by Don McLean, as he sings, “February made me shiver.”

The students of Saint Viator are a split group though, with both positive and negative ideas of February.  

“In February, nothing really happens,” said senior Emily Dillon. “It feels more like a filler month. Yeah there’s Valentine’s day, but that’s like a Hallmark Holiday.”

Junior Matt Wear said, “It’s long because it’s sorta like the end of  winter.”

“Basketball playoffs are in February, but that’s about it,” muses senior Jenna Breslin.

“February is just a really busy time for Orchesis, because we’re trying to get people to join, and we’re working around the musical,” said junior Caroline Connelly.

Overall, there is a general distaste for the month that is the homestretch to Spring Break, but thankfully there are many students not as concerned about February but looking towards the future.

“[February is] not really all that long, and summer is coming,” said freshman Tim Drake.

“After musical everything seems to move faster,” said Dillon.

”February doesn’t really feel that long. The longer months are like November and December, before Christmas,” said sophomore Cassidy Versen.

So February can have some negative aspects, but generally, the positive and hopeful students of Saint Viator are looking forward to the musical or track season and summer vacation. Okay February, let’s see how you shape up this year.