Random Acts of Kindness club makes debut

Although many fall sports seasons are coming to an end, there are a few other new activities and clubs starting up. One of those clubs is the Random Acts of Kindness club. This club is run by freshman counselor Mrs. Stephanie Collins and junior class counselor Mrs. Stephanie Spiewak. The goal of the new club is to achieve goodness and happiness throughout the school. Through the actions of this club, the school environment will be more welcoming and inviting to the onlookers who shadow and tour the school while deciding which high school to attend.

We will not change the world, but we can make a difference in the attitude of the students and faculty throughout the school.

— Mrs. Collins

Some of the activities that may occur as part of the club include a lunch table app, birthday cards during the week of students’ birthdays and a challenge for the school during the national Random Acts of Kindness week. The lunch table app will encourage students who do not normally have someone to sit by during lunch to find someone to sit next to. Students will log in and press an option to find a table, while another student will be able to open their table up to students who are left out. Before lunch, the first student can check where the table he or she was invited to sit at is located. Plans have not yet been confirmed, but they will be in upcoming meetings.

“This club will give people a way to make others feel good through simple acts,” said freshman Grace Zimmerman. “When someone does something nice for you, your mood changes, and you could possibly affect someone else’s day.”