UChicago safe space ban a step in the right direction


Joanne Jun

Banning safe spaces encourages thought-provoking discussions.

The University of Chicago made some waves recently when they sent a letter to the freshmen attending their school. This letter stated that the University of Chicago does not support any safe spaces or trigger warnings. This comes in a time where college campuses are filled with political activism that constantly ends in blow-ups due to scenarios such as hosting a political speaker that they do not agree with.

The University of Chicago fighting back against safe spaces is ultimately a step in the right direction for colleges. Safe spaces discourage the exchange of new ideas, especially those that oppose the beliefs of others. Students must be exposed to these new ideas because it may actually help them, and they would be able to have a discussion on these ideas. Students go to college to learn, but they also go to college to become a more complete person and have an experience that they cannot experience anywhere else. Safe spaces do not allow for the students to become a more complete person because they will not be having the discussions on these ideas that bother them.

Supporters of safe spaces say that safe spaces are needed for the safety and comfort of the students. College is a place where people are supposed to be pushed out of their comfort zone. They are supposed to be challenged with new ideas that contradict their own and which make them feel uncomfortable.

While nobody can deal with constant harassment from others, those that are being harassed do not require a safe space as they can return to their dorms or their own spaces which would separate them from the harassment. These people do not need safe spaces that restrict freedom of speech and the exchange of ideas, preventing a discussion that can improve both sides. Hopefully more colleges will follow in the footsteps of the University of Chicago and continue on the path of freedom of speech in college campuses.