What’s brewing at Burks Place?

Ongoing construction promises new perks for students, staff

At this point, everyone has noticed that there is construction in the building. Outside of the Dean’s office stands a temporary wall, sectioning off this new addition. Formerly known as the ‘Fishbowl’, Burks Place will be yet another addition to the school. It will be a great break from the everyday chaos in school and will be a nice place to grab a snack and hang out with friends. But, many questions surround the new addition. 

Let’s start with the main question, what is Burks Place? Burks Place is a new area in which students can hang out after school and grab healthy snacks. It was built in the style of a  cafe and is there to support students. But what do students think about Burks Place?

Burks Place was named after Mr. Steve Burks who sadly passed away last year. Mr. Burks’ ideas always had the students first and he used to tell Fr. Lydon, “Whatever we decide, whatever we do, let us always ask ourselves this question: ‘What is best for our students?'”

Let’s get some student opinions. Dallas Starr ’23 believes, “I think the idea is there, but it feels out of place in our school.” Dallas Starr believes that it is great overall but, it won’t fit in our school. How about some more interviews? Freshman Jacob Bondy ‘26 states, “I think that Burks Place is a great section of the school, I see many students in the morning able to talk and have fun with each other. I think it will impact the students in a very good way, giving them a newer [more updated] place to communicate with each other.” Jacob Bondy is excited about Burks place. He feels that it will be a great place to hang out. Sophomore Brianna Santucci ‘25 said, “I think it’s a great idea to remember Mr. Burks and I think the students will enjoy the cafe that is supposed to be included.” Overall, all student opinion is in favor of Burks Place. Students feel that this will be a great place to hang out and communicate with each other, even though it may feel a little out of place at our school. 

What do teachers think about Burks Place? How do they feel about how Burks Place will impact students? History teacher Mrs. Martin ’92 believes, “I think Burks Place is a really good place for the school to commemorate Steve Burks who gave so much of his life and love to this institute, so it’s nice there is a way to honor his service to Viator…I think it’ll give students an additional place to gather and connect with one another. I think it will be a good way to meet with good people and unwind and hopefully bring the community closer together.” 

As of right now the construction of Burks Place is going well and is going according to plan. Mr. Rychlik, the director of building and grounds, states that construction is expected to be completed by spring break. Burks Place has been planned thoroughly to the finest details, says Mr. Rychlik, “ There are and have been teams of professional architects and designers, skilled masons, carpenters, electricians, & plumbers involved in this project. Every little detail has been discussed and given serious thought. Measurements need to be precise and down to the fractions of an inch.”

The overall opinion of Burks Place is that it is a good improvement to the school, and is a nice place for students to share healthy snacks and hang out. It will bring the Viatorian community together and will be a new and better version of the Fishbowl.