MeMeS: nEw FoRm Of ExPrEsSiOn

Art by Gina Tolan

Harambe, Leroy Jenkins, Doge, Grumpy Cat, John Cena, Rick Rolling; these are all examples of memes, humorous images or text that is passed from person to person through the internet. If you have ever been on the internet you have most likely seen a meme before. While they seem to be the work of a few teenagers using Photoshop, they are much more than that.

Memes are not just dumb jokes on the internet; they are a very valid form of expression from a generation struggling with meaning. Nihilism, or the belief that nothing matters, is something that is used seen in a lot of today’s memes. The Nihilistic approach to life that this generation has is a result of the constant emotional and social pressure they feel. They are a tired, depressed and stressed group and with so much pressure it is hard to understand the meaning of it all and there lies the reason why memes offer an outlet. By giving so much meaning to insignificant jokes on the Internet, it takes away the meaning from the important and stressful things in their own lives. The belief that nothing matters means that they are given a choice on what matters to them.  With so much struggle in their lives, the Nihilistic ideals expressed through so many of these memes, is comforting.

It can be hard to understand exactly why people feel the need to create memes and participate in them. The killing of Harambe the gorilla on May 28th of 2016 is a great example of these ideas in action. This event was definitely an emotional one, but it was rather insignificant compared to the kinds of atrocities that happen on a daily basis to real people. People made this rather small event into a meme and continued to give it tons of attention, even months after it happened. By taking a comparatively insignificant event and giving it so much attention, it takes away from the real and terrifying things that happen everyday. Not to say that these real world events aren’t important to the people who participate in these memes, but it provides a positive distraction. Similar to other forms of entertainment, memes act as a form of escape from our real world fears.

Memes not only give reassurance, but the act of participating in these memes also helps build a sense of community and purpose. Being able to create something that people care about is a great feeling, and the internet provides a way for people to instantly approve of their work. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you are going though, anyone has the power to create something powerful that people can find joy in, and that is the kind of satisfaction that a lot of people can’t experience in school or in social settings. Even if you weren’t the one to create it, the comedic ways in which memes can be changed allows people express their own individual thoughts. Both the internet and the real world are harsh places, but memes build a community that can appreciate things, no matter what.