Friday Double Feature: So bad it’s good

The Room (R)

“The Room” is a goldmine for ironic laughs and quotable moments written, directed and starring one of the most obscure men on the planet—Tommy Wiseau. Wiseau’s eccentric and foreign performance juxtaposed with an attempt at a seriously dramatic script makes for many cringe-worthy moments. It’s so absurd that it’s hard to discern whether it’s the worst or best movie ever made. The budget for the film was six million dollars and due to the poor quality some crew members actually thought it was a money-laundering scheme. Next month, a dramatic telling of the making of the film is coming to theaters starring James Franco.

Birdemic (NR)

From James Nguyen, the master of The Romantic Thriller™ (he seriously trademarked that), “Birdemic” thrills in the worst way possible. The concept is a traditional one. Boy meets girl, Hallmark-movie style, then a flock of murder birds descends upon their city to wreak havoc—tale as old as time. Imagine if a 13-year-old got a little bit of money and decided to remake Alfred Hitchcock’s “The Birds” but with worse visual effects and without everything good about Hitchcock. That would be “Birdemic.” However, in all its awfulness, it makes for fun night of ironic movie watching.