Opposing voices: A critique of Donald Trump


Art by Anna Gorman

Sarah Schade, Staff Writer

Usually, the climate of the American public buzzes with excitement around election time. Everyone is eager to see who the next President of the United States will be. This year, it is different. With Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and Republican candidate Donald Trump, people are dreading the election more than eagerly awaiting it. However, we must have a new president, and it should not be Donald Trump.

Trump is a liar, a racist, a sexist and part of the top percent of the richest people in America. He openly insults women in the most vulgar ways, and he denies it when he gets caught. He has rarely owned up to what he said in the past; instead, he lies and says that he never said such a thing when there is documented evidence.

Furthermore, Trump wants to build a wall between the United States and Mexico to prevent Mexican citizens from getting into the United States illegally. He constantly talks down the minorities, which actually make up a very large portion of the United States population. One of his policies is to rid the country of Muslims. Some of the countries the United States negotiate with have Muslim leaders. How can we trust him to meet with leaders of other countries without insulting them and creating enemies for the United States?

Most importantly, he is not relatable to the majority of the public. He is a businessman, yes, but he is also one of the wealthiest businessmen in America. He cannot relate to those businessmen and women who are struggling to make ends meet because he has never been there. Not to mention, he does not try. Trump wants to cut taxes for the American people, and that would cause chaos. These tax cuts would create even more debt for the United States, forcing the government to cut programs that are benefiting some part of the population. Either way, the United States suffers a loss because of this idea he wants to implement.

When voting this year, the American people have to choose the best of the worst. That is not Donald Trump. Is Donald Trump—a racist, sexist, lying man with a temper—the man we want to have our nuclear codes?