
Don’t See ‘The Emoji Movie’

The Emoji Movie doesn’t deserve a review. In fact, it doesn’t deserve any of the attention, discussion, or money that regular, well-intention-ed films receive. Starring such comedy legends as T.J. Miller, James Corden, Maya Rudolph, and even the well-respected Sir Patrick Stewart, it is a surprise the film falls short of anything close to comedy, or entertainment. It has been characterized by most media outlets as a blatant commercial by the studio, Sony Pictures Animation, and a paycheck for the stars. Both of these are fair.

In the current age of cinema- one where superheroes and spies and interstellar crusaders can be enjoyed- it is a mystery how The Emoji Movie could have been made. It received an 8% on Rotten Tomatoes, a shockingly low score for even Sony. Their animation studio, Sony Pictures Animation’s, current track record is not too impressive. The only other notable film being this year’s Smurfs: The Lost Village, one would expect the studio to pursue films with greater credibility and appeal. Or perhaps they only want money.

Regardless of the studio’s intent, don’t see this movie. Please. We are lucky to live in a time when entertainment is so accessible, and how we distribute our attention to that entertainment matters. In an age where only blockbuster movies dominate the landscape, it is important that good, well-produced films receive attention. Currently, movies directed by Steven Soderbergh, Edgar Wright, and, of course, Christopher Nolan are all in theatres. See any of these movies; just don’t see The Emoji Movie.

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